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Teilen Sie uns Ihre Meinung zu AMD Ryzen 5 5600X, 6C/12T, 3.70-4.60GHz, boxed mit oder lesen Sie die Bewertungen unserer Mitglieder, Experten und anderer Websites zu dessen Varianten.
Bereits ab rund 300 Euro erhalten Spieler mit einem Ryzen 5 5600X eine ĂŒber jeden Zweifel erhabene hohe Spielleistung. Mit einer TDP von nur 65 Watt ist die CPU dabei sogar sehr sparsam. Ein Ryzen 7 5800X stellt dann schlieĂlich die aktuelle Speerspitze der Achtkern-Prozessoren dar, was die CPU vor allem der schnellen Kernanordnung an den L3-Cache zu verdanken hat. Beide CPUs katapultieren sich dank der IPC-Verbesserungen vor jede VorgĂ€nger-CPU aus dem eigenem Hause und auch mit Leichtigkeit in die Gefilde der Spieleleistung von Comet Lake-S. Aktuell ist es jedoch schwierig, einen Zen-3-Prozessor zu einem angemessenen Preis zu bekommen. Zu dieser Stunde werden sogar gar keine CPUs als lieferbar gelistet. Ryzen 5000 ist allerdings alles andere als ein Paperlaunch, tatsĂ€chlich gibt es viele, die sich vor oder zum Launch mit einem Modell ausstatten konnten. FĂŒr den Print-Mega-Test fĂŒr die PCGH Print 01/21 laufen derweil sĂ€mtliche Vorbereitungen, seien Sie gespannt auf Spezial-Benchmarks inklusive Tuning und erweiterte Beobachtungen.
Das Fazit fĂ€llt dabei durchweg positiv aus, denn die Vermeer Prozessoren haben es wirklich in sich! Der Vorsprung bei Productivty und Anwendungen ist massiv ausgebaut worden und der Core i5-10600K liegt durch die Bank weg hinter Ryzen 5 5600X! Es gibt kein Feld mehr, in dem Intel den Vorsprung hat â ganz im Gegenteil!
Flotte Gaming CPU! AMD stellte vor ein paar Monaten die neue Zen 3 Prozessorarchitektur vor, die wie Zen 2 in einem 7 nm Prozess gefertigt wird. Heute prĂ€sentieren wir auf einen umfassenden AMD Ryzen 5000 Test. NatĂŒrlich schauen wir uns auch den mitgelieferten Wraith Stealth KĂŒhler an und erklĂ€ren die Neuheiten der AMD Ryzen 5000 Serie. Zudem testen wir, wie sich der Ryzen 5 5600X im Vergleich zu einem Ryzen 7 2700X schlĂ€gt und wie gut sich der AMD Ryzen 5 5600X ĂŒbertakten lĂ€sst.
AMD bleibt auf der Ăberholspur und erhöht den Druck auf seinen Konkurrenten weiter. Mit den ersten Ryzen-5000-Modellen fĂ€llt nun auch die letzte Intel-Bastion zu groĂen Teilen, denn dank der weiteren Verbesserungen innerhalb der Architektur konnte AMD die Latenzen deutlich verbessern und damit letztendlich vor allem in Single-Core-Anwendungen gegenĂŒber Zen 2 oder gar Zen/Zen+ zulegen. Der König der Spieler-Prozessoren wird hĂ€ufig bezwungen, der Prinz in Sachen Multicore bleibt die Konkurrenz aber weiterhin.
Ryzen 5000 mit Zen 3 hĂ€lt, was AMD verspricht: Ryzen 9 5950X, 5900X, Ryzen 7 5800X und Ryzen 5 5600X schlagen im Test Intel Core auch in Spielen. Die Redaktion analysiert AMDs neue âHammer-CPUâ in umfassenden Benchmarks inklusive Blick auf IPC, Taktverhalten, (IF-)OC und Stromverbrauch.
Fast gaming CPU! AMD introduced the new Zen 3 processor architecture a few months ago, which is manufactured in a 7 nm process like Zen 2. Today on we present a comprehensive AMD Ryzen 5000 review. Of course, we also take a look at the included Wraith Stealth cooler and explain the new features of the AMD Ryzen 5000 series. In addition, we test how the Ryzen 5 5600X compares to a Ryzen 7 2700X and how well the AMD Ryzen 5 5600X can be overclocked.
In the end, with the pricing in mind the i9-10900K ends up in a similar position as Intel was with the i9-9900K which it is still the fastest gaming CPU you can go with. The additional cores also open up more on performance on multi-core applications as well. But itâs value stays with the gaming and raw clock speed. It isnât the best value overall, AMD still has that, but it is impressive that Intel has massaged this much out of Skylake.
There's little denying that AMD Ryzen 5000 Series represent desktop processor excellence. Fast in every scenario, they are straightforward to recommend for a wide range of buyers. Power users look toward Ryzen 9 while those with more modest aspirations gravitate to Ryzen 7 and Ryzen 5.
Focussing on the review Ryzen 7 5800X first, this eight-core, 16-thread chip runs at impressive frequencies that help distance it from the last generation in rendering and, especially, gaming. It would ordinarily be worthy of outright recommendation for these two factors alone, but pricing is such that the Intel Core i9-10850K hoves into view, offering more cores, similar application performance and gaming that's on par. Such comparisons make the Ryzen 7 5800X a tougher automatic sell. Good but not great in the current pricing climate.
Ryzen 5 5600X also finds itself in a somewhat awkward spot due to the ÂŁ280 street pricing. Great for gaming and everyday tasks, rival Intel remains strong at this end of the market, carries onboard graphics, so unless you absolutely need PCIe 4.0 support right now, it's another good processor that doesn't quite fit the great grade.
We feel as if AMD needs to knock ÂŁ50 off both chips for them to stand out in a congested crowd of decent chips. Make no mistake, Ryzen 5000 Series is very good, and a wholesome tweak to Ryzen 5/7 pricing is all that's required for them to become fantastic in every regard.
We've barely recovered from the sledgehammer display put forwards by the latest Ryzen 9 CPUs when it's time to catch our breath a little bit and look at a processor which will fit into more people's budgets. Indeed the previous six core Ryzen CPUs have positively flown off the shelves and found their way into a myriad of systems with their blend of performance and pricing, perfect for a gaming system.
It's fair to say that gaming was a big focal point for AMD with the newest Ryzen CPUs, given that it was probably the one weak spot in the first and second generation of Ryzen processors, eliminated greatly with the 3rd generation - especially with the newest iteration of the Agesa controller - and we already know that the single threaded performance of these 5000 series processors is outstanding, so the Ryzen 5 5600X should prove to polish out the only edge that Intel had.
But there is only one way to find out.
There is no doubt that the AMD Ryzen 5 5600X is a leap forward for AMD, thanks to the new Zen 3 core and SoC design.
Its single-core performance has been improved significantly over its predecessors, offering a nice boost to content creation and gaming performance.
And there you have it, the six-core part, easily impressive in gaming priced 299 USD. The Ryzen 5000 (Zen3) architecture is very satisfying. It is just swaying to see that AMD manages to get IPC up again, moving to a single 8-core architecture per die, tackling that last bit of uncertainty, gaming performance
At the end of the day the AMD Ryzen 9 5900X and Ryzen 5 5600X processors both left us impressed. AMD has delivered with Zen 3 and now you can drop one of these processors into an AMD 400 or 500 series chipset board and enjoy that impressive performance and efficiency. The community is the winner here and we all thank them for driving the Ryzen train for over 3-years and showing no sign of slowing down. AMD will be moving to the 5nm process with Zen 4 in late 2021 or early 2022 and we are already excited for that. This better be a big wakeup call to Intel as AMD is clearly done messing around and has successfully executed their roadmap.
The AMD Ryzen 5 5600X is arguably the most exciting processor launched today. Granted, it comes in at a steep price of $300, but just look at what you're getting. Many years ago the naysayers had talked about AMD just grabbing the low-hanging fruit, and that these gains would soon be history, and that with the departure of its lead designer, Zen would be a one-hit-pony. Boy were they wrong.
AMD really is on a winning streak right now and thereâs never been a better time to get onboard. Thereâs a fantastic range of motherboards out there, PCIe Gen4 has really developed well, and AM4 ultra-fast memory support has matured too. If youâre looking to build a Ryzen based gaming PC, the 5600X or the 5900X would be smart choices.
Last year when I took a look at the Ryzen 5 3600X I called it the mid-range king, does that hold true for the new Ryzen 5 5600X? I would say so! We see it beating out the Intel Core i5-10600K in all of our CPU tests. Not only in multi-core testing, but in single-core as well. One of the things that AMD wanted to do with the Ryzen 5000 series is increase single-core performance and they really made efforts to do so. In our testing we saw anywhere from a 16 to 19% increase in single-core performance over the previous generation. Multi-core performance got a nice boost as well in our tests we saw an increase anywhere from 12% to 17% depending on the test we ran. Even more impressive is that AMD is able to do this in the same 65W TDP.
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