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Segment: Desktop (HEDT)(10) Desktop (Mainstream)(300) Embedded(9) Mobile(8) Server(425) Workstation(65)
Chipsatzeignung: 741(96) 770(133) B150(23) B250(23) B360(27) B365(27) B460(48) B560(75) B660(133) B760(133) B860(26) C222(3) C224(3) C226(3) C232(32) C236(32) C242(52) C246(52) C252(15) C256(15) C262(15) C266(15) C422(12) C621(200) C621A(62) C622(138) C624(138) C627(195) C627A(57) C628(138) C629A(57) C741(96) H110(23) H170(23) H270(23) H310(27) H370(27) H410(48) H470(75) H510(75) H570(75) H610(133) H610E(133) H670(133) H770(133) H810(26) Q150(23) Q170(23) Q250(23) Q270(23) Q370(27) Q470(75) Q670(133) Q670E(133) R680E(133) W480(80) W580(30) W680(133) W790(43) X299(7) Z170(23) Z270(23) Z370(27) Z390(27) Z490(75) Z590(75) Z690(133) Z790(133) Z890(26)
Architektur: Lion Cove (ab 2024)(26) Raptor Cove (ab 2022)(103) Golden Cove oder Raptor Cove (ab 2022)(2) Golden Cove (ab 2022)(14) Crestmont (ab 2022)(1) Golden Cove oder Raptor Cove (ab 2021)(2) Golden Cove (ab 2021)(163) Cypress Cove (ab 2021)(45) Sunny Cove (ab 2019)(49) Comet Lake (ab 2019)(53) Cascade Lake (ab 2019)(127) Coffee Lake (ab 2017)(52) Kaby Lake (ab 2016)(16) Skylake (ab 2015)(59) Broadwell (ab 2014)(21) Haswell (ab 2013)(27) Ivy Bridge (ab 2012)(22) Sandy Bridge (ab 2011)(14) Westmere (ab 2010)(5) Nehalem (ab 2008)(5) Core (ab 2006)(9) Pentium M (ab 2003)(1) Netburst (ab 2000)(1)
Codename: Alder Lake-S(48) Arrandale(1) Arrow Lake-S(26) Broadwell-E(1) Broadwell-EP(18) Broadwell-EX(2) Cascade Lake-SP(89) Cascade Lake-W(18) Cascade Lake-X(7) Clarkdale(2) Coffee Lake-E(13) Coffee Lake-ER(12) Coffee Lake-R(15) Coffee Lake-S(12) Comet Lake-S(53) Cooper Lake-SP(13) Dothan(1) Emerald Rapids-SP(37) Harpertown(1) Haswell-DT(11) Haswell-E(1) Haswell-EP(11) Haswell-EX(1) Haswell-WS(3) Ice Lake-SP(44) Ice Lake-W(5) Ivy Bridge(9) Ivy Bridge-EN(4) Ivy Bridge-EP(5) Ivy Bridge-EX(4) Kaby Lake-DT(6) Kaby Lake-S(10) Lynnfield(1) Merom(2) Nehalem-EP(3) Nehalem-WS(1) Nocona(1) Penryn-3M(3) Raptor Lake-E(12) Raptor Lake-S(85) Rocket Lake-E(15) Rocket Lake-S(30) Sandy Bridge(1) Sandy Bridge-EN(2) Sandy Bridge-EP(11) Sapphire Rapids HBM(1) Sapphire Rapids-SP(58) Sapphire Rapids-WS(43) Sierra Forest(1) Skylake-DT(3) Skylake-S(13) Skylake-SP(41) Skylake-W(2) Westmere-EP(2) Woodcrest(3)
CPU-Familie Intel: Core Ultra 9(5) Core Ultra 7(8) Core Ultra 5(13) Core i9(53) Core i7(51) Core i5(106) Core i3(47) Intel Processor(3) Pentium Gold(12) Pentium(9) Celeron(12) Xeon Platinum(65) Xeon Gold(162) Xeon Silver(43) Xeon Bronze(11) Xeon W(34) Xeon E(52) Xeon E7(7) Xeon E5(51) Xeon E3(12) Core 2(5) Xeon (alt)(56)
CPU-Serie Intel: Core Ultra 200(26) Core i-14000(41) Core i-13000(41) Core i-12000(43) Core i-11000(27) Core i-10000(46) Core i-9000(15) Core i-8000(9) Core i-7000(8) Core i-6000(11) Core i-5000(1) Core i-4000(4) Core i-3000(6) Core i-2000(1) Core i-x00(4) Pentium Gold G7000(3) Pentium Gold G6000(6) Pentium Gold G5000(3) Pentium M(1) Pentium G4000(2) Pentium G3000(5) Pentium G2000(1) Celeron G6000(2) Celeron G5000(3) Celeron G3000(3) Celeron G1000(3) Celeron(1) Xeon Platinum 8000(65) Xeon Gold 6000(114) Xeon Gold 5000(48) Xeon Silver 4000(43) Xeon Bronze 3000(11) Xeon Ex-8000 v4(1) Xeon Ex-8000 v3(1) Xeon Ex-8000 v2(2) Xeon Ex-4000 v4(1) Xeon Ex-4000 v2(2) Xeon Ex-2000 v4(18) Xeon Ex-2000 v3(11) Xeon Ex-2000 v2(9) Xeon Ex-1000 v6(6) Xeon Ex-1000 v5(3) Xeon Ex-1000 v3(3) Xeon Ex-4000(2) Xeon Ex-2000(10) Xeon Ex-1000(1) Xeon w-3500(10) Xeon w-3400(10) Xeon w-2500(11) Xeon w-2400(12) Xeon W-3300(5) Xeon W-3200(8) Xeon W-3100(1) Xeon W-2200(10) Xeon W-2100(2) Xeon W-1300(3) Xeon W-1200(5) Xeon UP W(1) Xeon E-2400(12) Xeon E-2300(15) Xeon E-2200(12) Xeon E-2100(13) Xeon DP X(3) Xeon DP E(3) Xeon DP (4) Xeon 6000(1) Core 2 Duo(5) 300(3) unbekannt(1)
CPU-Suffix Intel: A(1) E(3) F(51) G(25) GE(1) H(19) HL(4) K(50) KF(27) KS(6) L(6) M(7) N(21) NE(1) P(7) Q(5) R(22) S(6) T(60) TE(5) U(14) V(7) W(1) X(37) XE(1) Y(33) ohne Suffix(397)
Sockel: 1023(1) 1150(14) 1151(32) 1151 v2(52) 1155(8) 1156(3) 1200(98) 1356(6) 1366(6) 1700(145) 1851(26) 2011-0(16) 2011-1(7) 2011-3(31) 2066(19) 3647(138) 4189-4(49) 4189-5(13) 4677(139) 4710(1) 478(6) 604(1) 771(4) 988(2)
Kerne: 1 (Single-Core)(2) 2 (Dual-Core)(58) 4 (Quad-Core)(108) 6 (Hexa-Core)(100) 8 (Octa-Core)(95) 10-Core(50) 12-Core(45) 14-Core(37) 15-Core(3) 16-Core(63) 18-Core(19) 20-Core(48) 22-Core(6) 24-Core(70) 26-Core(9) 28-Core(28) 32-Core(35) 36-Core(7) 38-Core(3) 40-Core(3) 44-Core(3) 48-Core(9) 52-Core(5) 56-Core(3) 60-Core(4) 64-Core(4)
Kerne ab: unter 2(2) ab 2(815) ab 4(757) ab 6(649) ab 8(549) ab 10(454) ab 12(404) ab 16(319) ab 18(256) ab 24(183) ab 32(76) ab 36(41) ab 40(31) ab 44(28) ab 48(25) ab 52(16) ab 56(11) ab 60(8) ab 64(4)
primäre Kerne: 0(1) 1(2) 2(58) 4(108) 6(149) 8(169) 10(27) 12(36) 14(11) 15(3) 16(42) 18(19) 20(31) 22(6) 24(43) 26(9) 28(28) 32(35) 36(7) 38(3) 40(3) 44(3) 48(9) 52(5) 56(3) 60(4) 64(3)
sekundäre Kerne: 0(693) 4(32) 8(47) 12(17) 16(27) 64(1)
Threads ab: unter 2(1) ab 2(816) ab 4(788) ab 6(722) ab 8(701) ab 10(618) ab 12(613) ab 16(526) ab 18(423) ab 24(361) ab 32(276) ab 36(212) ab 40(193) ab 44(162) ab 48(156) ab 52(113) ab 56(104) ab 64(76)
Basistakt ab: unter 1.5GHz(10) ab 1.5GHz(807) ab 1.9GHz(779) ab 2GHz(765) ab 2.5GHz(519) ab 3GHz(324) ab 3.5GHz(160) ab 3.75GHz(56) ab 4GHz(22)
Turbotakt ab: unter 2GHz(76) ab 2GHz(741) ab 2.5GHz(738) ab 3GHz(722) ab 3.5GHz(625) ab 3.75GHz(525) ab 4GHz(454) ab 4.25GHz(354) ab 4.5GHz(308) ab 4.75GHz(216) ab 5GHz(127) ab 5.25GHz(61) ab 5.5GHz(37) ab 5.75GHz(16) ab 6GHz(8)
Fertigungsprozess: Intel 10nm+(49) Intel 14nm+++(45) Intel 14nm++(232) Intel 14nm+(57) Intel 14nm(39) Intel 22nm(49) Intel 32nm(19) Intel 45nm(9) Intel 65nm(5) Intel 90nm(2) Intel 3(1) Intel 7(284) TSMC 3nm(26)
TDP bis: bis 25W(1) bis 35W(62) bis 45W(63) bis 50W(69) bis 60W(112) bis 65W(252) bis 70W(254) bis 80W(307) bis 90W(344) bis 100W(378) bis 120W(413) bis 140W(546) bis 160W(602) bis 180W(647) bis 200W(682) bis 220W(719) bis 240W(734) bis 260W(751) bis 280W(773) bis 300W(789) bis 320W(790) bis 340W(800) bis 360W(815) bis 400W(817)
TDP ab: ab 20W(817) ab 30W(816) ab 35W(814) ab 45W(755) ab 50W(748) ab 60W(714) ab 65W(705) ab 70W(565) ab 80W(545) ab 90W(475) ab 100W(445) ab 120W(413) ab 140W(281) ab 160W(218) ab 180W(171) ab 200W(141) ab 220W(99) ab 240W(86) ab 260W(66) ab 280W(44) ab 300W(43) ab 320W(27) ab 340W(19) ab 380W(2)
QPI: 4.8GT/s(1) 5.86GT/s(2) 6.4GT/s(9) 7.2GT/s(7) 8GT/s(23) 9.6GT/s(21) unbekannt(754)
DMI: 1.0GT/s(4) 2.0GT/s(27) 3.0GT/s(219) 4.0GT/s(214) unbekannt(353)
L2-Cache: 0.5MiB(42) 1MiB(70) 1.5MiB(62) 2MiB(38) 2.5MiB(19) 3MiB(22) 3.5MiB(3) 3.75MiB(3) 4MiB(38) 4.5MiB(2) 5MiB(20) 6MiB(8) 7.5MiB(10) 8MiB(28) 9.5MiB(18) 10MiB(16) 11.5MiB(8) 12MiB(34) 12.5MiB(1) 14MiB(18) 15MiB(4) 16MiB(38) 18MiB(13) 20MiB(35) 22MiB(9) 22.5MiB(1) 24MiB(37) 25MiB(3) 26MiB(13) 28MiB(27) 30MiB(9) 32MiB(35) 32.5MiB(2) 35MiB(4) 36MiB(11) 40MiB(23) 44MiB(2) 45MiB(3) 47.5MiB(3) 48MiB(14) 50MiB(1) 52MiB(2) 56MiB(8) 64MiB(27) 72MiB(4) 80MiB(2) 88MiB(3) 96MiB(9) 104MiB(5) 112MiB(3) 120MiB(4) 128MiB(3)
L2-Cache ab: ab 0.5MiB(817) ab 1MiB(775) ab 2MiB(643) ab 4MiB(558) ab 6MiB(498) ab 8MiB(480) ab 12MiB(410) ab 14MiB(375) ab 16MiB(353) ab 18MiB(315) ab 24MiB(257) ab 32MiB(168)
L3-Cache: 2MiB(8) 3MiB(17) 4MiB(19) 6MiB(30) 8MiB(46) 8.25MiB(10) 9MiB(15) 10MiB(3) 11MiB(13) 12MiB(76) 13.75MiB(9) 15MiB(16) 16MiB(29) 16.5MiB(15) 18MiB(19) 19.25MiB(17) 20MiB(47) 21MiB(1) 22MiB(20) 22.5MiB(15) 24MiB(35) 24.75MiB(20) 25MiB(15) 26.25MiB(3) 27.5MiB(15) 30MiB(48) 30.25MiB(4) 33MiB(19) 33.75MiB(4) 35MiB(3) 35.75MiB(21) 36MiB(37) 37.5MiB(12) 38.5MiB(16) 39MiB(3) 40MiB(4) 42MiB(4) 45MiB(20) 48MiB(9) 48.75MiB(2) 50MiB(2) 52.5MiB(7) 54MiB(3) 57MiB(3) 60MiB(25) 67.5MiB(3) 75MiB(4) 82.5MiB(6) 96MiB(1) 97.5MiB(6) 105MiB(9) 112.5MiB(2) 160MiB(2) 180MiB(1) 260MiB(3) 300MiB(5) 320MiB(1) 330MiB(1) 350MiB(1) unbekannt(13)
L3-Cache ab: ab 2MiB(804) ab 4MiB(779) ab 6MiB(760) ab 8MiB(730) ab 12MiB(643) ab 16MiB(542) ab 20MiB(462) ab 32MiB(239) ab 40MiB(124) ab 64MiB(45) ab 128MiB(14) ab 256MiB(11) unbekannt(13)
PCIe 5.0 Lanes: 16(145) 24(26) 64(23) 80(91) 88(1) 112(20) unbekannt(511)
PCIe 5.0 Lanes ab: ab 16(306) ab 24(161) ab 64(135) ab 96(20) unbekannt(511)
PCIe 4.0 Lanes: 4(145) 20(45) 48(3) 64(51) unbekannt(573)
PCIe 4.0 Lanes ab: ab 4(244) ab 16(99) ab 48(54) ab 64(51) unbekannt(573)
PCIe 3.0 Lanes: 16(153) 24(6) 28(2) 32(7) 40(45) 48(162) 64(8) unbekannt(434)
PCIe 3.0 Lanes ab: ab 16(383) ab 24(230) ab 28(224) ab 32(222) ab 40(215) ab 48(170) ab 64(8) unbekannt(434)
Systemeignung: 1 Sockel(493) 2 Sockel(213) 4 Sockel(76) 8 Sockel(35)
Speicher Standards: DDR3 ohne Low Voltage(62) DDR3L Low Voltage(37) DDR3(99) DDR4(568) DDR5(311)
max. Speicherkompatibilität: DDR5-6400(26) DDR5-5600(85) DDR5-5200(11) DDR5-4800(179) DDR5-4400(29) DDR5-4000(12) DDR4-3200(210) DDR4-2933(104) DDR4-2666(144) DDR4-2400(63) DDR4-2133(39) DDR4-1866(7) DDR4-1600(1) DDR3L-1866(7) DDR3L-1600(30) DDR3-1866(3) DDR3-1600(37) DDR3-1333(18) DDR3-1066(4)
Speichercontroller: Dual Channel(392) Triple Channel(12) Quad Channel(96) 6 Channel(151) 8 Channel(166)
Speicher max.: ab 16GB(801) ab 32GB(800) ab 64GB(777) ab 128GB(736) ab 256GB(419) ab 512GB(392) ab 1TB(334) ab 1.5TB(226) ab 2TB(203) ab 3TB(176) ab 4TB(174) unbekannt(16)
Fernwartung: Intel vPro(401) Intel vPro Enterprise(99) Intel vPro Essentials(33)
CPU-Funktionen: Grafik (iGPU)(267) NPU(26) ECC-Unterstützung(597) Multiplikator frei wählbar(139) SMT(696) HyperThreading(696) Turbotakt(743) Thermal Velocity Boost(39) Turbo Boost Max 3.0(173) Turbo Boost 2.0(656) Turbo Boost 1.0(12) PCIe 4.0(313) PCIe 5.0(306) 4G WiMAX Wireless Technology(1) AES-NI(785) AMT(97) AVX(768) AVX-512(403) 1x AVX-512 Pipeline (FMA)(52) 2x AVX-512 Pipeline (FMA)(306) AVX2(627) Anti-Theft Technology(13) Boot Guard(514) CET(298) Crypto Acceleration(141) DL Boost(493) Demand Based Switching(70) EIST(675) Flex Memory Access(8) GNA 2.0(30) GNA 3.0(133) Hardware Shield(54) IPT(158) ISM(157) Idle States(464) Instruction Set 32bit(1) Instruction Set 64bit (Intel 64)(816) Integrated Intel Omni-Path Architecture (Intel OPA)(1) Intel Adaptive Boost Technology(24) Intel Fast Memory Access(7) Intel Time Coordinated Computing (Intel TCC)(2) MBEC(510) MMX(+)(1) MPX(108) My WiFi(9) OS Guard(554) One-Click Recovery(54) Optane Memory Support(213) Optane Persistent Memory Support(120) Platform Firmware Resilience Support(184) QuickAssist Software Acceleration(96) RDT(243) RPE(34) Run Sure(234) SGX(293) SGX Maximum Enclave Size Support 0.5GB(15) SGX Maximum Enclave Size Support 512GB(34) SGX Maximum Enclave Size Support 64GB(43) SGX Maximum Enclave Size Support 8GB(11) SGX with Intel ME(123) SGX with Intel SPS(155) SGX with both Intel SPS and Intel ME(13) SIPP(101) SSE(635) SSE2(1) SSE3(1) SSE4.1(626) SSE4.2(634) Secure Key(422) Smart Response(2) Speed Select (Base Frequency)(104) Speed Select (Core Power)(124) Speed Select (Performance Profile)(49) Speed Select (Turbo Frequency)(119) Speed Shift(510) TDT(63) TSX-NI(431) TVB(48) TXT(587) Thermal Monitoring(453) Thread Director(123) Thunderbolt 4(26) Total Memory Encryption(250) Total Memory Encryption - Multi Key(103) VMD(409) VT-d(787) VT-rp(108) VT-x(812) VT-x EPT(798) XD Bit(815)
iGPU-Funktionen: DirectX 12(242) OpenGL(28) Vulkan(242) H.265/HEVC encode(228) H.265/HEVC decode(228) VP9 encode(228) VP9 decode(228) AV1 encode(18) AV1 decode(136) HDCP 2.2(92) HDCP 2.3(136) Intel Quick Sync Video(261) Intel InTru 3D(147) Intel FDI(11) Intel Clear Video HD(242) Intel Clear Video(242) 2x Display Support(253) 3x Display Support(252) 4x Display Support(107)
iGPU-Architektur: keine Angabe (ab 2023)(8) Xe-LPG+ (ab 2023)(18) keine Angabe (ab 2021)(21) Xe-LP / Gen 12.2 (ab 2021)(89) Xe-LP / Gen 12.1 (ab 2020)(29) Gen 9.5 (ab 2016)(92) Gen 9 (ab 2015)(14) Gen 7.5 (ab 2013)(12) Gen 7 (ab 2012)(9) Gen 6 (ab 2011)(1) Gen 5.75 (ab 2010)(3) ohne Grafik(521)
iGPU-Modell: Graphics(18) HD Graphics(13) HD Graphics 2000(1) HD Graphics 2500(4) HD Graphics 4000(2) HD Graphics 4600(4) HD Graphics 510(4) HD Graphics 530(9) HD Graphics 610(1) HD Graphics 630(9) HD Graphics P4600(1) HD Graphics P530(1) HD Graphics P630(4) UHD Graphics 610(9) UHD Graphics 630(49) UHD Graphics 710(8) UHD Graphics 730(26) UHD Graphics 750(14) UHD Graphics 770(58) UHD Graphics P630(20) UHD Graphics P750(12) ohne Grafik(550)
iGPU-Shader ab: unter 100(32) ab 100(235) ab 200(102) ab 400(12) unbekannt(550)
iGPU-Takt max.: ab 700MHz(267) ab 900MHz(265) ab 1000MHz(258) ab 1100MHz(231) ab 1200MHz(169) ab 1300MHz(135) ab 1400MHz(102) ab 1500MHz(83) ab 1600MHz(42) ab 1800MHz(18) ab 2000MHz(10) unbekannt(550)
iGPU-Interface: HDMI 2.1(107) HDMI 2.0(29) HDMI 1.4(127) DP 1.4(118) DP 1.2(127) eDP(214)
AI-Rechenleistung via NPU (TOPS) ab: ab 10 TOPS(26) unbekannt(791)
iGPU-Rechenleistung (TFLOPS) ab: ab 0.1TFLOPS(267) ab 0.25TFLOPS(235) ab 0.5TFLOPS(127) ab 0.75TFLOPS(76) ab 1.5TFLOPS(15) ab 1.75TFLOPS(12) ab 2.0TFLOPS(9) unbekannt(550)
Verpackung: boxed(105) boxed ohne KĂĽhler(144) tray(568)
KĂĽhler: Intel Laminar RH1(6) Intel Laminar RH2(1) Intel Laminar RM1(23) Intel Laminar RM2(5) Intel Laminar RS1(2) ohne KĂĽhler(712) unbekannt(68)
EinfĂĽhrung: 2007/Q4(1) 2009/Q1(1) 2010/Q1(5) 2010/Q3(1) 2011/Q1(1) 2012/Q1(9) 2012/Q2(5) 2012/Q3(4) 2013/Q1(3) 2013/Q2(5) 2013/Q3(8) 2014/Q1(9) 2014/Q2(5) 2014/Q3(13) 2015/Q2(1) 2015/Q3(8) 2015/Q4(8) 2016/Q1(18) 2016/Q2(3) 2017/Q1(15) 2017/Q3(43) 2017/Q4(5) 2018/Q2(6) 2018/Q3(13) 2018/Q4(2) 2019/Q1(4) 2019/Q2(92) 2019/Q4(18) 2020/Q1(27) 2020/Q2(47) 2020/Q3(8) 2020/Q4(2) 2021/Q1(36) 2021/Q2(47) 2021/Q3(20) 2021/Q4(12) 2022/Q1(36) 2022/Q3(2) 2022/Q4(10) 2023/Q1(107) 2023/Q4(64) 2024/Q1(32) 2024/Q2(1) 2024/Q3(21) 2024/Q4(10) 2025/Q1(16) unbekannt(13)
CPU mit offizieller Windows 11 UnterstĂĽtzung: Ja(517) unbekannt(300)
Herstellergarantie: 1 Jahr(451) 3 Jahre(314) 5 Jahre(52)
Gelistet seit: unter 2008(6) ab 2008(811) ab 2009(809) ab 2010(802) ab 2011(798) ab 2012(797) ab 2013(779) ab 2014(763) ab 2015(737) ab 2016(724) ab 2017(695) ab 2018(633) ab 2019(618) ab 2020(505) ab 2021(415) ab 2022(293) ab 2023(251) ab 2024(124) ab 2025(16)

Intel Core Ultra 7 265K, 8C+12c/20T, 3.90-5.50GHz, boxed ohne KĂĽhler


Kerne: 20 (8C+12c) • Threads: 20 (8+12) • Turbotakt: 5.50GHz (Turbo Boost Max 3.0), 5.40GHz (P-Core), 4.60GHz (E-Core) • Basistakt: 3.90GHz (P-Core), 3.30GHz (E-Core) • TDP: 125W (Processor Base Power), 250W (Maximum Turbo Power) • Grafik: ja …

ab € 363,08 (€ 18,154/Core)

Intel Core i7-14700K, 8C+12c/28T, 3.40-5.60GHz, boxed ohne KĂĽhler


Kerne: 20 (8C+12c) • Threads: 28 (16+12) • Turbotakt: 5.60GHz (Turbo Boost Max 3.0), 5.50GHz (P-Core), 4.30GHz (E-Core) • Basistakt: 3.40GHz (P-Core), 2.50GHz (E-Core) • TDP: 125W (Processor Base Power), 253W (Maximum Turbo Power) • Grafik: ja …

ab € 349,00 (€ 17,450/Core)
[DE] galaxus und 1 weiterer Händler

Intel Core i9-14900K, 8C+16c/32T, 3.20-6.00GHz, boxed ohne KĂĽhler


Kerne: 24 (8C+16c) • Threads: 32 (16+16) • Turbotakt: 6.00GHz (Thermal Velocity Boost), 5.80GHz (Turbo Boost Max 3.0), 5.60GHz (P-Core), 4.40GHz (E-Core) • Basistakt: 3.20GHz (P-Core), 2.40GHz (E-Core) • TDP: 125W (Processor Base Power), 253W …

ab € 439,00 (€ 18,292/Core)

Intel Core i5-14600KF, 6C+8c/20T, 3.50-5.30GHz, tray


Kerne: 14 (6C+8c) • Threads: 20 (12+8) • Turbotakt: 5.30GHz (Turbo Boost 2.0), 5.30GHz (P-Core), 4.00GHz (E-Core) • Basistakt: 3.50GHz (P-Core), 2.60GHz (E-Core) • TDP: 125W (Processor Base Power), 181W (Maximum Turbo Power) • Grafik: nein • …

ab € 185,89 (€ 13,278/Core)

Intel Core Ultra 9 285K, 8C+16c/24T, 3.70-5.70GHz, boxed ohne KĂĽhler


Kerne: 24 (8C+16c) • Threads: 24 (8+16) • Turbotakt: 5.70GHz (Thermal Velocity Boost), 5.60GHz (Turbo Boost Max 3.0), 5.50GHz (P-Core), 4.60GHz (E-Core) • Basistakt: 3.70GHz (P-Core), 3.20GHz (E-Core) • TDP: 125W (Processor Base Power), 250W …

ab € 627,38 (€ 26,141/Core)
[DE] nullprozentshop.de und 1 weiterer Händler

Intel Core i5-14600K, 6C+8c/20T, 3.50-5.30GHz, boxed ohne KĂĽhler


Kerne: 14 (6C+8c) • Threads: 20 (12+8) • Turbotakt: 5.30GHz (Turbo Boost 2.0), 5.30GHz (P-Core), 4.00GHz (E-Core) • Basistakt: 3.50GHz (P-Core), 2.60GHz (E-Core) • TDP: 125W (Processor Base Power), 181W (Maximum Turbo Power) • Grafik: ja (Intel …

ab € 219,00 (€ 15,643/Core)

Intel Core i5-14400F, 6C+4c/16T, 2.50-4.70GHz, boxed


Kerne: 10 (6C+4c) • Threads: 16 (12+4) • Turbotakt: 4.70GHz (Turbo Boost 2.0), 4.70GHz (P-Core), 3.50GHz (E-Core) • Basistakt: 2.50GHz (P-Core), 1.80GHz (E-Core) • TDP: 65W (Processor Base Power), 148W (Maximum Turbo Power) • Grafik: nein • …

ab € 127,21 (€ 12,721/Core)

Intel Core i5-14600KF, 6C+8c/20T, 3.50-5.30GHz, boxed ohne KĂĽhler


Kerne: 14 (6C+8c) • Threads: 20 (12+8) • Turbotakt: 5.30GHz (Turbo Boost 2.0), 5.30GHz (P-Core), 4.00GHz (E-Core) • Basistakt: 3.50GHz (P-Core), 2.60GHz (E-Core) • TDP: 125W (Processor Base Power), 181W (Maximum Turbo Power) • Grafik: nein • …

ab € 212,90 (€ 15,207/Core)

Intel Core i7-14700KF, 8C+12c/28T, 3.40-5.60GHz, boxed ohne KĂĽhler


Kerne: 20 (8C+12c) • Threads: 28 (16+12) • Turbotakt: 5.60GHz (Turbo Boost Max 3.0), 5.50GHz (P-Core), 4.30GHz (E-Core) • Basistakt: 3.40GHz (P-Core), 2.50GHz (E-Core) • TDP: 125W (Processor Base Power), 253W (Maximum Turbo Power) • Grafik: nein …

ab € 329,00 (€ 16,450/Core)
[DE] Amazon.de und 1 weiterer Händler

Intel Core Ultra 7 265KF, 8C+12c/20T, 3.90-5.50GHz, boxed ohne KĂĽhler


Kerne: 20 (8C+12c) • Threads: 20 (8+12) • Turbotakt: 5.50GHz (Turbo Boost Max 3.0), 5.40GHz (P-Core), 4.60GHz (E-Core) • Basistakt: 3.90GHz (P-Core), 3.30GHz (E-Core) • TDP: 125W (Processor Base Power), 250W (Maximum Turbo Power) • Grafik: nein • …

ab € 348,65 (€ 17,432/Core)
[DE] nullprozentshop.de und 2 weitere Händler

Intel Core Ultra 5 235, 6C+8c/14T, 3.40-5.00GHz, boxed


Kerne: 14 (6C+8c) • Threads: 14 (6+8) • Turbotakt: 5.00GHz (Turbo Boost 2.0), 5.00GHz (P-Core), 4.40GHz (E-Core) • Basistakt: 3.40GHz (P-Core), 2.90GHz (E-Core) • TDP: 65W (Processor Base Power), 121W (Maximum Turbo Power) • Grafik: ja (Intel …

ab € 276,34 (€ 19,739/Core)

Intel Core i5-14400, 6C+4c/16T, 2.50-4.70GHz, boxed


Kerne: 10 (6C+4c) • Threads: 16 (12+4) • Turbotakt: 4.70GHz (Turbo Boost 2.0), 4.70GHz (P-Core), 3.50GHz (E-Core) • Basistakt: 2.50GHz (P-Core), 1.80GHz (E-Core) • TDP: 65W (Processor Base Power), 148W (Maximum Turbo Power) • Grafik: ja (Intel …

ab € 154,90 (€ 15,490/Core)

Intel Core i9-14900KF, 8C+16c/32T, 3.20-6.00GHz, boxed ohne KĂĽhler


Kerne: 24 (8C+16c) • Threads: 32 (16+16) • Turbotakt: 6.00GHz (Thermal Velocity Boost), 5.80GHz (Turbo Boost Max 3.0), 5.60GHz (P-Core), 4.40GHz (E-Core) • Basistakt: 3.20GHz (P-Core), 2.40GHz (E-Core) • TDP: 125W (Processor Base Power), 253W …

ab € 429,00 (€ 17,875/Core)

Intel Core i5-12400F, 6C/12T, 2.50-4.40GHz, boxed


Kerne: 6 (6C) • Threads: 12 • Turbotakt: 4.40GHz (Turbo Boost 2.0) • Basistakt: 2.50GHz • TDP: 65W (Processor Base Power), 117W (Maximum Turbo Power) • Grafik: nein • Sockel: Intel 1700 (LGA1700) • Chipsatz-Eignung: B660, B760, H610, H610E, H670, …

ab € 109,79 (€ 18,298/Core)

Intel Core Ultra 5 245K, 6C+8c/14T, 4.20-5.20GHz, boxed ohne KĂĽhler


Kerne: 14 (6C+8c) • Threads: 14 (6+8) • Turbotakt: 5.20GHz (Turbo Boost 2.0), 5.20GHz (P-Core), 4.60GHz (E-Core) • Basistakt: 4.20GHz (P-Core), 3.60GHz (E-Core) • TDP: 125W (Processor Base Power), 159W (Maximum Turbo Power) • Grafik: ja (Intel …

ab € 315,90 (€ 22,564/Core)

Intel Core i5-12600K, 6C+4c/16T, 3.70-4.90GHz, boxed ohne KĂĽhler


Kerne: 10 (6C+4c) • Threads: 16 (12+4) • Turbotakt: 4.90GHz (Turbo Boost 2.0), 4.90GHz (P-Core), 3.60GHz (E-Core) • Basistakt: 3.70GHz (P-Core), 2.80GHz (E-Core) • TDP: 125W (Processor Base Power), 150W (Maximum Turbo Power) • Grafik: ja (Intel …

ab € 159,94 (€ 15,994/Core)

Intel Core i7-12700K, 8C+4c/20T, 3.60-5.00GHz, boxed ohne KĂĽhler


Kerne: 12 (8C+4c) • Threads: 20 (16+4) • Turbotakt: 5.00GHz (Turbo Boost Max 3.0), 4.90GHz (P-Core), 3.80GHz (E-Core) • Basistakt: 3.60GHz (P-Core), 2.70GHz (E-Core) • TDP: 125W (Processor Base Power), 190W (Maximum Turbo Power) • Grafik: ja …

ab € 237,04 (€ 19,753/Core)
[DE] notebooksbilliger.de und 2 weitere Händler

Intel Core Ultra 9 285, 8C+16c/24T, 2.50-5.60GHz, boxed


Kerne: 24 (8C+16c) • Threads: 24 (8+16) • Turbotakt: 5.60GHz (Thermal Velocity Boost), 5.50GHz (Turbo Boost Max 3.0), 5.40GHz (P-Core), 4.60GHz (E-Core) • Basistakt: 2.50GHz (P-Core), 1.90GHz (E-Core) • TDP: 65W (Processor Base Power), 182W …

ab € 600,40 (€ 25,017/Core)
[DE] Amazon.de und 1 weiterer Händler

Intel Core i7-14700, 8C+12c/28T, 2.10-5.40GHz, boxed


Kerne: 20 (8C+12c) • Threads: 28 (16+12) • Turbotakt: 5.40GHz (Turbo Boost Max 3.0), 5.30GHz (P-Core), 4.20GHz (E-Core) • Basistakt: 2.10GHz (P-Core), 1.50GHz (E-Core) • TDP: 65W (Processor Base Power), 219W (Maximum Turbo Power) • Grafik: ja …

ab € 341,51 (€ 17,075/Core)

Intel Core i5-12600KF, 6C+4c/16T, 3.70-4.90GHz, boxed ohne KĂĽhler


Kerne: 10 (6C+4c) • Threads: 16 (12+4) • Turbotakt: 4.90GHz (Turbo Boost 2.0), 4.90GHz (P-Core), 3.60GHz (E-Core) • Basistakt: 3.70GHz (P-Core), 2.80GHz (E-Core) • TDP: 125W (Processor Base Power), 150W (Maximum Turbo Power) • Grafik: nein • …

ab € 144,41 (€ 14,441/Core)

Intel Core Ultra 5 245KF, 6C+8c/14T, 4.20-5.20GHz, tray


Kerne: 14 (6C+8c) • Threads: 14 (6+8) • Turbotakt: 5.20GHz (Turbo Boost 2.0), 5.20GHz (P-Core), 4.60GHz (E-Core) • Basistakt: 4.20GHz (P-Core), 3.60GHz (E-Core) • TDP: 125W (Processor Base Power), 159W (Maximum Turbo Power) • Grafik: nein • …

ab € 256,38 (€ 18,313/Core)

Intel Core i3-14100, 4C/8T, 3.50-4.70GHz, boxed


Kerne: 4 (4C) • Threads: 8 • Turbotakt: 4.70GHz (Turbo Boost 2.0) • Basistakt: 3.50GHz • TDP: 60W (Processor Base Power), 110W (Maximum Turbo Power) • Grafik: ja (Intel UHD Graphics 730) • Sockel: Intel 1700 (LGA1700) • Chipsatz-Eignung: B660, …

ab € 122,99 (€ 30,747/Core)

Intel Core i5-12400F, 6C/12T, 2.50-4.40GHz, tray


Kerne: 6 (6C) • Threads: 12 • Turbotakt: 4.40GHz (Turbo Boost 2.0) • Basistakt: 2.50GHz • TDP: 65W (Processor Base Power), 117W (Maximum Turbo Power) • Grafik: nein • Sockel: Intel 1700 (LGA1700) • Chipsatz-Eignung: B660, B760, H610, H610E, H670, …

ab € 104,89 (€ 17,482/Core)

Intel Core i3-12100F, 4C/8T, 3.30-4.30GHz, tray


Kerne: 4 (4C) • Threads: 8 • Turbotakt: 4.30GHz (Turbo Boost 2.0) • Basistakt: 3.30GHz • TDP: 58W (Processor Base Power), 89W (Maximum Turbo Power) • Grafik: nein • Sockel: Intel 1700 (LGA1700) • Chipsatz-Eignung: B660, B760, H610, H610E, H670, …

ab € 52,90 (€ 13,225/Core)

Intel Core Ultra 5 225F, 6C+4c/10T, 3.30-4.90GHz, boxed


Kerne: 10 (6C+4c) • Threads: 10 (6+4) • Turbotakt: 4.90GHz (Turbo Boost 2.0), 4.90GHz (P-Core), 4.40GHz (E-Core) • Basistakt: 3.30GHz (P-Core), 2.70GHz (E-Core) • TDP: 65W (Processor Base Power), 121W (Maximum Turbo Power) • Grafik: nein • …

ab € 242,03 (€ 24,203/Core)

Intel Core i5-12400, 6C/12T, 2.50-4.40GHz, boxed


Kerne: 6 (6C) • Threads: 12 • Turbotakt: 4.40GHz (Turbo Boost 2.0) • Basistakt: 2.50GHz • TDP: 65W (Processor Base Power), 117W (Maximum Turbo Power) • Grafik: ja (Intel UHD Graphics 730) • Sockel: Intel 1700 (LGA1700) • Chipsatz-Eignung: B660, …

ab € 143,95 (€ 23,992/Core)

Intel Core i7-13700K, 8C+8c/24T, 3.40-5.40GHz, boxed ohne KĂĽhler


Kerne: 16 (8C+8c) • Threads: 24 (16+8) • Turbotakt: 5.40GHz (Turbo Boost Max 3.0), 5.30GHz (P-Core), 4.20GHz (E-Core) • Basistakt: 3.40GHz (P-Core), 2.50GHz (E-Core) • TDP: 125W (Processor Base Power), 253W (Maximum Turbo Power) • Grafik: ja …

ab € 381,19 (€ 23,824/Core)
[DE] office-partner.de und 5 weitere Händler

Intel Core i7-14700KF, 8C+12c/28T, 3.40-5.60GHz, tray


Kerne: 20 (8C+12c) • Threads: 28 (16+12) • Turbotakt: 5.60GHz (Turbo Boost Max 3.0), 5.50GHz (P-Core), 4.30GHz (E-Core) • Basistakt: 3.40GHz (P-Core), 2.50GHz (E-Core) • TDP: 125W (Processor Base Power), 253W (Maximum Turbo Power) • Grafik: nein …

ab € 323,71 (€ 16,185/Core)

Intel Core i5-13500, 6C+8c/20T, 2.50-4.80GHz, boxed


Kerne: 14 (6C+8c) • Threads: 20 (12+8) • Turbotakt: 4.80GHz (Turbo Boost 2.0), 4.80GHz (P-Core), 3.50GHz (E-Core) • Basistakt: 2.50GHz (P-Core), 1.80GHz (E-Core) • TDP: 65W (Processor Base Power), 154W (Maximum Turbo Power) • Grafik: ja (Intel …

ab € 211,87 (€ 15,134/Core)
[DE] notebooksbilliger.de und 2 weitere Händler

Intel Core i9-14900KS Special Edition, 8C+16c/32T, 3.20-6.20GHz, boxed ohne KĂĽhler


Kerne: 24 (8C+16c) • Threads: 32 (16+16) • Turbotakt: 6.20GHz (Thermal Velocity Boost), 5.90GHz (Turbo Boost Max 3.0), 5.70GHz (P-Core), 4.50GHz (E-Core) • Basistakt: 3.20GHz (P-Core), 2.40GHz (E-Core) • TDP: 150W (Processor Base Power), 253W …

ab € 739,90 (€ 30,829/Core)

Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr. Die gelisteten Angebote sind keine verbindlichen Werbeaussagen der Anbieter.

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