Die technischen Voraussetzungen der Series X sind beeindruckend und zukunftssicher und aktuell neben den kürzeren Ladezeiten und der höheren Frameanzahl die einzigen spürbaren Unterschiede zur aktuellen Generation. Exklusivtitel sucht man vergebens, ein Umstieg zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt macht einzig und allein für Fans neuer Technik Sinn.
Hersteller Microsoft hat mit der Xbox Series X im technischen Bereich nicht zu viel versprochen: Höhere Auflösungen (4K), mehr FPS (bis zu 120) und deutlich(!) kürzere Ladezeiten lassen das Zockerherz schneller schlagen. Darüber hinaus ist die Konsole kühl und leise. Über das Design und die Anschlussmöglichkeiten (warum kein USB-Typ-C und kein optischer Eingang?) lässt sich streiten - der Rest passt. Auch das alte/neue Dashboard und der alte/neue Controller wissen auf Anhieb zu gefallen. Was jedoch wirklich sehr schade ist, dass es zum Launch der neuen Xbox-Konsole keinen Exklusivtitel gibt, der die Next-Gen-Power demonstriert. Hier muss Microsoft schleunigst „nachbessern“.
Letztendlich denke ich, dass Microsoft mit der Series X ein ausgezeichnetes Next-Gen-System abgeliefert hat - jedoch auch eines, das bei der Markteinführung noch nicht seine vielen Stärken zeigen kann.
The Xbox Series X hasn’t had the most impressive first year and in many ways, it still feels like we’re waiting for next-gen to begin. However, powerful hardware for third-party titles, Xbox Game Pass, backwards compatibility and features to make a good number of older games look and run better are all helping to ease the wait for Xbox’s jaw-drop moment.
Overall, if you’ve fully embraced a 4K HDR TV experience and have $500 to spend on gaming (if you can find one currently), the Xbox Series X is a very worthy upgrade from the Xbox One. For gamers of all walks of life, this console complements a gaming PC quite well.
The Xbox Series X is not a traditional next-generation system. In fact, it challenges the idea of console generations as we know them. Continuing the model it established with the Xbox One X and One S, Microsoft is evolving the Xbox One rather than replacing it entirely.
The hardware is amazing, and anyone looking to upgrade from a previous Xbox will love the new console. As a media device, the Xbox Series X|S offers a lot of capability, but perhaps not more than a dedicated media device would, without even getting into the ongoing Netflix HDR issues. But until we see more games, it feels like it is difficult to get a true feeling for the console’s potential.
Ultimately, I believe that in Series X, Microsoft has indeed delivered an excellent next-generation system - but one that likely won't show its many strengths at launch.
Microsoft hasn't gotten enough credit for completely turning around the messaging of the Xbox One, and now is the time for all of that hard work to come back to roost. They're getting this generation started on the right foot and I hope it pays off.
The Xbox Series X looks like an Xbox One that swallowed a refrigerator, and runs like an Xbox One that swallowed a Lambo. It’s fast, sturdy, and unobtrusive, its goals and capabilities encapsulated in its brutalist industrial design.
The Xbox Series X is a powerful and fantastic to use console that can do it all that appears to have a bright future ahead of it as long as you can be a bit patient on the games front.
The Xbox Series X is the continuity candidate. It's built on the foundations of familiar system software and comprehensive backward compatibility that actively enhances everything you want to play on it (within limits) and it's effectively silent no matter how hard we've pushed it.
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