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Battlefield V (PC)

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63 Bewertungen fĂĽr Battlefield V (PC)

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26 Testberichte, davon 9 mit Wertung

  • deutsch
    basic-tutorials.de: Battlefield V im Test
    Originalwertung: 90/100

    Auch wenn Battlefield V kein Meilenstein ist, so ist es trotzdem ein solider Shooter, der SpaĂź und gewaltige Action bietet. Durch die Wahl des Zweiten Weltkriegs kann man diesen in noch nie da gewesener Grafik erleben.

  • deutsch
    connect-living.de: Battlefield V im Test
    Originalwertung: 5/5

    Battlefield 5 ist der neue König der Multiplayer-Shooter.

  • englisch
    ign.com: Battlefield V - Review (translate)
    Originalwertung: 7.5/10

    Battlefield V is a grand and addictive shooter with some smart ideas for improving gunplay and team dynamics, but at launch it has too many technical issues and holes in its content to excel.

  • englisch
    pcworld.com: Battlefield V - Review (translate)
    Originalwertung: 4.5/5

    Anyway, it's Battlefield, and a pretty decent one at that. It's certainly not as interesting as its predecessor, but if you wanted Battlefield to return to its World War II roots then it's done that at long last. There's no Midway this time, no Omaha Beach, but in other key ways not much has changed in 16 years.

  • englisch
    gameinformer.com: Battlefield V - Review (translate)
    Originalwertung: 8/10

    Battlefield V is a good, if safe game that feels more iterative than innovative. Its legacy will likely be defined by how steady and interesting the stream of new content is moving forward.

  • englisch
    ign.com: Battlefield V - Review (translate)
    Originalwertung: 7.5/10

    Battlefield V's multiplayer takes squadplay and infantry combat in a very worthwhile direction, but rampant bugs and half-baked features take their toll. This is one to watch as it improves over time.

  • englisch
    gamespot.com: Battlefield V - Review (translate)
    Originalwertung: 8/10

    The Battlefield series has a winning formula that Battlefield V doesn't deviate far from, at least for now. Conquest and the map roster don't mesh well together, however, Grand Operations-- and the other modes within it--steal the show and foster some of the greatest moments the franchise has offered.

  • englisch
    destructoid.com: Battlefield V - Review (translate)
    Originalwertung: 8/10

    Battlefield V isn't an across-the-board step up from Battlefield 1, but it nails the essentials. It's not just a good Battlefield game, it's a great one. For those folks who wrote DICE off early on, that might come as a surprise. For alpha and beta testers who got a feel for the heightened focus on squad dynamics and player-built fortifications, it's... also a surprise!

  • englisch
    ign.com: Battlefield V - Review (translate)
    Originalwertung: 7.3/10

    A strange focus on stealth makes Battlefield V's single-player campaigns miss opportunities for more of the large-scale warfare the series does best, but its stories are well told.

  • deutsch
  • deutsch
  • deutsch
  • deutsch
  • deutsch
  • deutsch
  • deutsch
    eurogamer.de: Battlefield V im Test

    Das Beste könnte noch kommen, aber was da ist, überzeugt: Ausgezeichnetes, zugängliches Teamplay, großartige Maps und eine solide Kampagne.

  • deutsch
    computerbase.de: Battlefield V mit DXR im Test

    Am Ende haben die eigenen Erfahrungen mit DXR in Battlefield V erste Eindrücke von der Gamescom bestätigt: Raytracing ermöglicht vollständig neue optische Effekte, die einen großen Unterschied machen – theoretisch geht noch viel mehr als das, was DICE zum Start umgesetzt hat. Schon die kleine Auswahl kostet aber in der Tat auch so viel Leistung, wie es zu befürchten war.

  • deutsch
    computerbase.de: Battlefield V Benchmarks

    Eine absolute Baustelle in der Frostbite-Engine ist und bleibt auch in Battlefield V DirectX 12. Die Low-Level-API will einfach nicht rund laufen und ist darüber hinaus teilweise auch im Durchschnitt markant langsamer als DirectX 11. Aktuell ist das ärgerlich, aber kein wirkliches Problem.

  • deutsch
    golem.de: Battlefield V im Test

    Battlefield 5 ist konsequent auf die Unterstützung von Squads ausgelegt. Viele Elemente, von der Munitionsmenge bis zu den Klassen, wirken wie gemacht für Gruppen aus Fans der früheren Serienteile, die sich gemeinsam ins Gefecht stürzen möchten. Mit kampferprobten Mitstreitern fühlen sich die Matches wieder wunderbar episch an. [...] Einzelspieler kommen bei Battlefield 5 allerdings kaum auf ihre Kosten.

  • englisch
    bit-tech.net: Battlefield V - Review (translate)

    Ultimately though, as I said at the start of this review, Battlefield V is more of the same. It still looks and sounds great, the multiplayer is still the best large-scale FPS around. The single-player is still a weird mess. It’s just another new series in The B Factor. Strictly Come Battling. And that’s fine if you’re really into it, but for me there’s not enough here that’s sufficiently new or different to justify that eye-watering price-tag.

  • englisch
    eurogamer.net: Battlefield V - Review (translate)

    A strong if slim shooter that lays down strong foundations for the future, while feeling a little unfinished.

  • englisch
    eteknix.com: Battlefield V Benchmarks (translate)

    We honestly haven't had much time to really play it yet. It's a great looking game, and the versatile multiplayer feels more alive than the Battlefield 1 online modes did. There's a lot to come, and we can't wait for the launch to see bigger player numbers and really get stuck into it. For now, though, I'm going to get back to the RTX 2080 Ti build and give the singleplayer campaign a more thorough going through. Wish me luck!

  • englisch
    techpowerup.com: Battlefield V Benchmarks (translate)

    DirectX Raytracing and NVIDIA RTX are as ambitious a technology as Ageia PhysX (which NVIDIA later acquired and popularized). Much like PhysX, DXR is facing a lot of teething problems with initial adoption. It requires you to not only have Windows 10, but also the latest "October Update". When we managed to get it off the ground, we were greeted by some astounding results.

  • englisch
    overclock3d.net: Battlefield V Benchmarks (translate)

    Battlefield V has left us with mixed feelings, with many issues and annoyances that could be addressed by patches before the games official launch on the 20th. As it stands right now, Battlefield V isn't a finished product, and by this, we are not just referring to the game's lack of DXR support and its lacklustre DirectX 12 implementation.

  • englisch
    polygon.com: Battlefield V - Review (translate)

    For the team at DICE, there's simply no time to stop and lick their wounds. Like a good WWII-era mechanized unit, they've got to advance quickly to keep attention on their game during a busy holiday release schedule. Here's hoping that their supply lines can keep up with them.

  • englisch
    techpowerup.com: Battlefield V - Performance Analysis (translate)

    Overall, we've had a lot of fun testing and playing Battlefield V. It lives up to most of its gameplay hype, even if it makes you feel shortchanged in the eye-candy front due to lack of RTX at launch.

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